I wish I had the time and stamina to post daily like some of you. Unfortunately 4 kids, a husband who works and goes to school full time leaves for a busy life!! I have not even made a new piece of jewelry all week!! I have however made some things for my new shop! I made some bezel charms and clasps, and my ephemera charms are just waiting to be drilled! I have to find a time when the cildren are not close by because I don't want any accidents. I really want to get those done right away, I have noticed that a few of you are eagerly awaiting thier arrival in my shop :) I have about 200 of them ready to be drilled and "jumpringed" photographed and listed! Your patience is appreciated. I certainly home you guys empty out my shop quickly ;) I am having serious trouble with my van and it may be on it's last legs. Need to save fast to replace it!!
Another sneak peak... I know, it's the same ones, but I WILL get to it I promise!! lol

These clasps are also listed in my new Etsy shop!!
I made them with Vintaj wire and used some of their awesome jumprings to attach them to a project!! One bracelet I made with one of these clasps will be featured in the July issue of Bead Trends!! So catch onto the trend and get one now!! :) There are four unique ones listed in my shop right now!!
I hope you check it out today and make me one of your favorites. I have so many ideas of things I want to make, so keep checking in! I may not have a lot of time, but I will be trying hard to list something at least every two days for now.
Thanks for the love :)
Congrats on your Bead Trends acceptance!
I feel your pain with the kiddies! Your pendants look great!
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